I love the world unfolding. Something about it in contrast to growth which is like this external expectation of how one is supposed to be in develop. I prefer to unfold rather than grow in a linear way, to become more myself than I ever was before not on some predicted timeline but in my own time. The notion of existing on a different temporality and unfolding connect, and reading this made me think of that.
I like the way you put that - unfolding instead of growing on a set timeline. There’s so much freedom in becoming ourselves at our own pace. Thank you for sharing this 😊
There was a time in my work life when I had a supervisor accuse me of being "lackadaisical" on my performance review. I was not happy with that assessment. This was long before I had any idea that I might be austistic. I didn't let it go at that, and of course, defended myself. It got worked out. These days, my Fred says I'm on "retirement time," that maybe so, but it's my autistic/neurodiverse brain finally catching a break from the years of multi-tasking and trying to keep up with the pace of everything and everyone all at once. My sense of time is really different now, I still have to set alarms to remind me to do things at a certain time, but that's okay, it keeps me on track, and I have established routines, things to accomplish everyday, and it's all good as I allow myself a little bit of "wiggle room" to take my time to reach a satisfactory stopping point in an art project or a writing project, or whatever I'm doing, and not rush off to the next thing.
It’s amazing how time shifts when you’re no longer forcing yourself to match a pace that was never meant for you. Sounds like you’ve created a way of moving through the world that actually honors your process, rather than punishing it. That’s worth celebrating!
I love the world unfolding. Something about it in contrast to growth which is like this external expectation of how one is supposed to be in develop. I prefer to unfold rather than grow in a linear way, to become more myself than I ever was before not on some predicted timeline but in my own time. The notion of existing on a different temporality and unfolding connect, and reading this made me think of that.
I like the way you put that - unfolding instead of growing on a set timeline. There’s so much freedom in becoming ourselves at our own pace. Thank you for sharing this 😊
Love this 💖
There was a time in my work life when I had a supervisor accuse me of being "lackadaisical" on my performance review. I was not happy with that assessment. This was long before I had any idea that I might be austistic. I didn't let it go at that, and of course, defended myself. It got worked out. These days, my Fred says I'm on "retirement time," that maybe so, but it's my autistic/neurodiverse brain finally catching a break from the years of multi-tasking and trying to keep up with the pace of everything and everyone all at once. My sense of time is really different now, I still have to set alarms to remind me to do things at a certain time, but that's okay, it keeps me on track, and I have established routines, things to accomplish everyday, and it's all good as I allow myself a little bit of "wiggle room" to take my time to reach a satisfactory stopping point in an art project or a writing project, or whatever I'm doing, and not rush off to the next thing.
It’s amazing how time shifts when you’re no longer forcing yourself to match a pace that was never meant for you. Sounds like you’ve created a way of moving through the world that actually honors your process, rather than punishing it. That’s worth celebrating!
Every day that I have is a celebration!
Love this message! I'm going to share your post in my newsletter on Sunday. The theme is "Moment" and this will be perfect!
You’re too kind! Gonna go stick my head in the ground now…